Definitely WAY overdue with this post, but things have been a little….quite hectic with school and other responsibilities. Bear with me as I try to update!
TORONTO ISLAND…… we get to take a ferry over! :D So let’s talk ‘boat that race! ;)
credit: @daniirey
I like the races that are close to home. It makes it so much more accessible and easier for my friends and family to watch what I love to do.
So BIG THANKS to all the support from friends and family who came out really early on a Sunday & in the rain!
This was my first time doing the Toronto Island Triathlon. I volunteered for it last year, but was stationed at the water station, so I never really got a sense of how the race site and race course looked like. So I had to be sure I got an early ferry that gave me enough time to set up, warm up, and get a feel for the course. Caught the 6:30AM ferry over. So I wasn’t super stressed about setting up and getting in a warm up.
When I went out for a bike warm up, I took a look at the waters, and saw how choppy they were with the wind, trying to brace myself for a challenging swim only to find out when I got back that it was changed into a duathlon. So this turned into my 2nd duathlon of the season!
A little relieved that it was changed into a duathlon because I tend not to do so well with big waves in the water. Mind over matter kind of thing. On the other hand, the first triathlon turned duathlon that happened this season at Nationals didn’t go super well. Didn’t really have a strategy for it, except not to kill my legs during the first run.
RUN 1 (5.2km)
Wet and slippery, I started the run with two other strong runners in the elite/pro wave (Miranda and Leah). I really enjoyed the run! And super glad we all ran together--definitely felt like we all pushed each other (or they pushed me at least!) and held good pace for the first 5k leg of the race. I don’t think I would have kept a sub 4 min pace without them around, so it was great to have a good racing field present. In the end, I was just happy I felt good during the run because I haven’t felt great running in a while. Maybe could have gone a little faster, but after my first duathlon debut, I wanted to keep it conservative so I had still had legs for the bike and second run.
I was caught up and focused on staying with Miranda and Leah during the run that when we turned to go back into transition, I completely blanked and was lost in what sequence/where to start in the transition. It took a couple seconds to register where my bike rack was and that I was heading out to the bike, almost forgetting that I had running shoes on to take off!
Then the grass was slippery from the rain that I lost control of my bike as I was running it to the mount line. Bike fell over, and just my luck, my chain came off! So I had to stop and fix that before starting the bike. So very very slow transition and by that time, the gap between me and the 2 other pro females widen.
BIKE (19.5km)
It was a flat course for sure! But I had to be a little more cautious with the rain, making the roads a bit more slippery, some 180 degree turnarounds and tight roads, no-pass zones, and the crowds especially on the second loop. Not too much to report, but that yes, my biking isn’t my strongest, but it has improved since last season.
RUN 2 (2.9km)
The last stretch! Again, I felt good during the run! Super happy about that for sure! Although there was lots of weaving through people as by that point, all waves were on the course and the run course is loops of approximately 1.25km or so.
Came out 3rd overall female and full of smiles!
What kept me pushing and going was ALL the cheers from friends, family, spectators, and especially from the Blacktoe family. BIG thanks to you! For waking up early, standing outside in the rain all morning, and setting up camp so that I would be able to hear you guys shout during both the bike and run!
& especially to my gal pals chasing me around so I could hear you scream. Means the WORLD!! <3
Honestly, what’s so great about this race is that I got see lots of friends both racing and cheering. Lots even doing their very first triathlon!! Hoping they’ll get hooked! :)